Exploratory Data Analysis


Data Science Institute
Vanderbilt University

Course Overview
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View the Project on GitHub dsi-explore/eda-course-website

Data Quickfire! :fire:

This is our final data quickfire challenge of the semester!

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To celebrate, you get gifs.

But do not forget to READ CAREFULLY! Hint: Your past self’s organizational skills will play a vital role in today’s challenge and if your own repo is not organized from class, you can find information on data used for previous quickfires in each quickfire’s original .md file (linked on our course calendar webpage).


  1. Use your last quickfire repo to store/push your .Rmd file for today’s challenge.
  2. Goal: create one seriously misleading data visualization.
  3. Data: use data from the previous class quickfires (see week 4 or week 11) OR the student survey data from our class recall, it has its own repo. Specify which data you use.
  4. Knit to pdf, and write one paragraph that explains why/how your graphic is misleading.
  5. Commit by 3:50 PM to receive credit. Work extra hard and commit later by noon at tomorrow (Friday) if desired! Get to work and good luck!

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